Toronto Central Intake Emergency Shelter

Central Intake is a City-operated, 24/7 telephone-based service that offers referrals to emergency shelter and other overnight accommodation, as well as information about other homelessness services.

Central Intake provides the following services:

  • Refers callers experiencing homelessness to available emergency accommodation, including referrals to City-operated or partner-operated shelters and 24-hour respite sites
  • Supports callers through warm transfers to specialized services and responds to requests for information about other services and programs that may be seen as connected to homelessness response, such as detox programs, primary and mental health care supports, refugee services and legal services
  • Provides information to callers about housing stability services (for example, drop-ins, supports to daily living, housing help and eviction prevention, the Rent Bank, Office of the Commissioner of Housing Equity and Landlord and Tenant Board)

Contact Information: If you are in need of emergency shelter space, please call the City of Toronto’s Central Intake line at 416-338-4766 or 1-877-338-3398 or by calling 311.
